The Help is an American drama that shows about the situation that the African-American maids face in the capital city of the state of Mississippi , Jackson . The movie was directed by Tate Taylor and was adapted from Kathryn Stockett 's book of the same name . The movie's main cast consists of Emma Stone , Viola Davis , Octavia Spencer , Bryce Dallas Howards , Jessica Chastain , Allison Janney , and A hna O'Reilly . In the city of Jackson, most of the maids are African-American women who work under white households. But as they work, they face discrimination and ill-treatment from their employers due to their dark complexion. Such is the case of Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson, colored maids serving their own respective white households where they also experience discrimination. But, things may finally change when Eugenia Phelan, an aspiring journalist and a friend of their employers, aims to write a book based on the first-hand experiences th...
Title: To Whom SHall I Tell My Sorrow? Author: Anton Chekov Author’s Background: Russian writer Anton Chekhov is recognized as a master of the modern short story and a leading playwright of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Anton Chekhov was born on January 29, 1860, in Taganrog, Russia. Through stories such as "The Steppe" and "The Lady with the Dog," and plays such as The Seagull and Uncle Vanya, the prolific writer emphasized the depths of human nature, the hidden significance of everyday events and the fine line between comedy and tragedy. Chekhov died of tuberculosis on July 15, 1904, in Badenweiler, Germany. Source: Vocabulary: slough – a swamp. reins -- a long, narrow strap attached at one end to a horse's bit, typically used in pairs to guide or check a horse while riding or driving. jocose – playful or humorous kopeck -- a monetary unit of Russia and some o...